Tuesday, March 20, 2012


So I'm breaking a rule on this blog.  I said when I started this that I would not talk about things that didn't involve a teaching lesson from the Bible or spiritual growth.  However, after thinking about it I think there are some things that can be learned from this.

"This" meaning my disappointing experience I had today.  Just a quick word of thanks to those of you who offered prayer, thoughts, sent emails, posted on my wall, sent texts, etc.  It means a lot.  I also want to thank my wife and son for loving me no matter what, my Senior Pastor for encouraging me, and friends loving me well today.

So, let me first off say...no one is hurt or dying and this isn't about my job (losing or keeping).  Some of you had asked about those things.  This is about brothers and sisters in Christ not working together to advance Gods Kingdom in the here and now.  For a number of months, behind the scenes, I've been working pretty hard to form partnerships with other singles ministries here in Indy.  Many of these have been with larger churches and some with smaller churches.  Needless to say, things have been going excellent.  Lots of big dreaming, visioning, planning and seeing Christ-centered singles gather to spread Gods love over this entire city.  However, things happen and people usually get in the way from the mission being accomplished.

Today I received a phone call from a friend letting me know that one particular church was not on board even though they initially said they were.  This wouldn't be a problem except they are the main church running this network.  I was told that the Senior Pastor of this particular church was not comfortable with having my congregations name attached to theirs.  Now, no direct purpose was given, but I can read between the lines.  I know what this has to do with.  One word...inclusiveness.

So here's my disappointment, because of hardline doctrine things like this come up and happen.  Typically individuals can't understand that the Kingdom of God in the here and now (and future) is much bigger than denomination and doctrine.  You've heard the old phrase, "When we all get to heaven, all of us will be disappointed to know that we weren't 100% right."  And I believe that to be true.

So here's my beef...show me in the Bible where God says that people aren't welcome to His table.  Show me where God says that His grace and love are only available to specific people.  Show me a savior who only died for a few.  Christ did not hang on that cross for people who only act, believe, look, feel, and think a certain way.  The truth is that I know that this individual and I probably share some basic theologic beliefs and would probably agree on many issues...except inclusiveness.

So here's my manifesto after this experience...
1.  I will not back down from loving all people, because Christ calls us to do that.
2.  I will not be lazy in my faith and not engage those who are different than me.
3.  I will not shut the doors to people who desperately need to experience Gods love and grace through His Son Jesus Christ.
4.  I will continue to love those who do not love me.
5.  I will make my enemies those whom I love the most.
6.  I will continue to share the truth of Gods Word with boldness.
7.  And I will engage in the radical mess we call Christianity.

Jesus did not do what He did on the cross just so you could be comfortable and create your own country club religion.  He did it for all mankind, even those who reject Him.

You made the wrong person mad by doing this.  You see all my life I've been told, "You don't fit in.  You're not like everyone else.  You can be a part of this group or church."  I didn't spend countless hours sharing my faith most of my life, being persecuted by those I thought were friends and even those who weren't to have you tell me what I will or will not do.  I have found favor with God and He has given me a boldness to proclaim His love even more than ever.  He has blessed me through the Great Commission and I can promise you that your decision only adds to the flame that was burning in my heart already to live, serve, and share Gods grace with all.

So there you have it.  Thank you for ticking me off.  It helped renew my call to ministry, my vision for singles, and help have greater focus for the Kingdom of God.

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